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Forever in my Heart
Churches were closed but my heart was open as ever.
When the world showed me darkness, He illuminated my life.
Jesus will forever be in the center of my heart.

Daniela Carbonell,

Tampico, Mexico

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Self Bloom

I was struck with thunder and felt like drowning but just like flowers, I bloomed.

Geraldine Saldierna, Tampico, Mexico

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It may seem suffocating for us
But nature can finally breathe 
After decades of being violated by our kind. 

Valeria Morales,

Tampico, Mexico

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Dicenque las catarinasson insectosde la suerteque traenbuenasnoticiasy alegría. Tal vezalgobuenoviene. Tal vezlas cosasyamejorarán.

They say ladybugs are lucky insects, who bring happy news and joy. Maybe something good is coming. Maybe things will start getting better.

Geraldine Saldierna, Tampico, Mexico

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I believe in the brightness of tomorrow. I believe that some of the best times of my life are still ahead. I can feel the optimism, the problem is that I can’t see it with clarity.

Karla Monroy Flores, Tampico, Mexico


Strength in Numbers • Curated by Jackson Stimmler


Life Continues • Curated by Ana Fer Torres